Real estate funds are considered a conservative instrument for collective investments.
In the long-term, real estate funds seem to profile themselves as beneficial investments. From an investment horizon perspective, their performance seems to be stable, including in the period of the global pandemic of Covid-19, and in the times of recession.
Up until now, the domestic market has been benefitting from a high number of available finances, which has resulted in an increase in the price of real estate. A decrease in the price of real estate – and thus a decline in performance of the funds, is unlikely as the volume of finances in the market is stable in the long-term. In the current macroeconomic situation, perhaps nobody can predict the results of the future development, however, inflation and the pressure for revenue growth in the market are in opposition. In the medium-term horizon, real estate funds are expected to deliver a stable performance.
F4REI k.s.i.l. is a so-called small fund for a limited number of investors, according to the Czech domestic law, and the fund is of form and structure commonly used in Western Europe. F4REI k.s.i.l. is a fund of qualified investors. Investment horizon is 4+ years and the fund aims for an annual valuation of 11-15%.